You are on the official website of ConcertAction Femmes Estrie.
Board of directors
Community Life

Board of directors

Committed to achieving equality!

Anne-Marie Rodrigue

Chair, Maison Séjour

Contact : 819 835-9272

Sylvie Godbout

Director, Handi-Capable (Women’s Committee)

Carole Dodier

Vice-Chair, Centre des femmes de la MRC du Granit

Contact : 819 563-4575

Rania El-Bilani

Director, Syndicat des chargés et chargés de cours de l’Université de Sherbrooke (SCCCUS)

Contact : 819 821-7636

Sophia Cotton

Secretary-Treasurer, Centre pour femmes Entr’elles

Contact : 450 375-4042

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” (Albert Einstein)