You are on the official website of ConcertAction Femmes Estrie.
Libre Accès

Libre Accès

The objective of Libre Accès is to fight violence against women by promoting their safe and equal integration into the various spheres of society.

As part of this project, trans women, women with disabilities and immigrant women took part in an adventure of visual and content creation. They shared accounts that they want to make visible in order to raise awareness in workplaces as well as in the health and education sectors.

In this special page of the ConcertAction Femmes Estrie website, explore videos, a toolkit, and organizations with the expertise to advise groups wishing to help build an inclusive society for the diversity of women.

Libre Accès is made possible by the valuable involvement of diverse women and the following groups: CALACS de Granby, Fédération des communautés culturelles de l’Estrie, IRIS-Estrie, La Maison Séjour and Promotion Handicap Estrie.

Swipe through the image below to see the visual of the Libre Accès project:

“To struggle with inaccessibility is to struggle with the judgment of other people who constantly remind you that, in their eyes, you are not a normal person.”

“Instead of adapting to my reality, they just removed me from their reality.”

“I thank you—you are already part of the change.”

“In this public institutional setting, you managed to create a warm and pleasant environment. Every person was considered as a unique being and treated in a personalized way.”



To take concrete action, adopt practices that promote the inclusion of women’s diversity in your environment. Check out the toolkit and resources for inclusive settings.

This list covers tools and resources to take concrete action and adopt practices that promote the inclusion of women in various settings. ConcertAction femmes Estrie wishes to put forward an intersectional feminist approach in order to make visible the diversity of women, their needs, and their realities.


by the Société Logique and Office des personnes handicapées du Québecby The 519 Space for ChangeInclusive language!


For workplaces enriched by our diversity!

For schools enriched that reflect our diversity!

For a health sector responsive to our diversity!




Promotion Handicap Estrie

IRIS- Estrie

Fédération des communautés culturelles de l’Estrie (FCCE)

CALACS de Granby

La Maison Séjour

Special thanks to the Secrétariat à la condition féminine for its project funding!


Order brochures and bookmarks!

Personne contact :
Marianita Hamel
Social Communications Officer

brochures and bookmarks

The Libre Accès brochures feature women’s accounts that can be shared by stakeholders in education, health and workplaces. They also provide information on organizations that have the expertise to support and advise communities in implementing concrete action plans to promote diversity in various settings.

Click the following links to download the brochures and bookmarks:

Brochure – Libre Accès : en route vers une société égalitaire!

Brochure – Pour un milieu de l’éducation à l’image de notre diversité!

Brochure – Pour une milieu de la santé à l’écoute de notre diversité!

Brochure – Pour un milieu du travail à riche de notre diversité!

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