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Keeping homeless women safe from violence

Keeping homeless women safe from violence

“Promoting access to safe and violence-free environments”

To develop a portrait of the use of existing services, resources, needs and perceptions of women’s homelessness, a study was conducted in the spring of 2016. In close collaboration with the member organizations of the Table itinérance de Sherbrooke and a few non-member organizations, 62 women experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness and 61 professionals who work with them participated in a questionnaire survey.

Ten women experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness also participated in a focus group to illustrate and supplement the information from the questionnaires.

Numerous observations were made and several courses of action were identified by the women and the staff involved.


Based on the study findings and the many action avenues put forward, some 50 stakeholders worked to develop a regional strategy to improve the accessibility and safety of services and resources addressed to women.

The strategy was developed around the following 4 key directions:  

  • Better understanding women’s homelessness and its characteristics

  • Creating safe spaces for women

  • Improving access to services and resources

  • Improving the continuum of services

Consulting a group of women experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness

The needs assessment and the regional strategy were presented to a group of women. The women in the group were able to confirm the coherence and suitability of the strategy in relation to the needs pinpointed in the study. The meeting was a further opportunity to improve the strategy.

Community of practice

Since February 2017, ConcertAction femmes Estrie and partners have been working to implement the regional strategy. A community of practice has been created to support and assist the organizations in their efforts.

Dissemination of the study

The study and the strategy are potentially inspiring tools for other regions of Quebec. Contact us to evaluate possibilities for a presentation at your organization or in your region.

Read Ariane Dion Deslauriers and Audrey Guy’s presentation on adapting daywork services to meet the needs of women at risk of or experiencing homelessness. 

This three-year project (2015-2018) is funded through the Women’s Program of Status of Women Canada.