You are on the official website of ConcertAction Femmes Estrie.
Regional overview

Regional overview

“Urgent issues for women in Estrie”

The regional-inventory project aims to support local and regional authorities in taking into account the specific realities of women in the region within local development efforts, in terms of equality between women and men, between women themselves, and between all genders.

Three issues have been identified by CAFE members as priorities for the Estrie region: safety, housing and transportation.

For now, a regional “status report” has been presented in a launch format, with a few presentations within member groups.

The status-report presentation is always available to member groups, but also to elected officials and members of institutions wishing to have access to quick training on the portrait of the socio-economic conditions in Estrie, as well as persistent inequalities.

The report comes under a collaborative agreement between CAFE and the Secrétariat à la condition féminine du Québec.